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My name is Allison and I'm a Balanced Body Master Instructor and trainer. Work with me to feel the joy of movement and discover what is good for you

and your clients.

My Practice

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Pilates is a whole-body workout suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Anyone, including people with injuries, can benefit from Pilates as it helps to strengthen the core, ie, the diaphragm, muscles of the back, the abdominals and pelvic floor muscles, whilst promoting spinal mobility, co-ordination, flexibility and general wellbeing.


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The reformer and studio equipment gives you that resistance to help turn on and off your most appropriate muscles.  As your flexibility and coordination improves, so too will the control and precision you have in your body.

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GYROKINESIS® is a gentle flowing, rhythmical form of exercise that increases the functionality of the spine, taking it through its natural dimensions of movement, ie, extension and flexion, side flexion, rotation, circling and waves.  It is performed partly on a stool, then progresses to a floor-based mat section and finishes with a standing movement section. 


Allison James

Balanced Body Pilates Master Instructor
Certified GYROKINESIS® Trainer


Flowetry Pilates, London, UK

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